It just goes to show you, people never learn. The mistakes of the past just keep getting repeated over and over again. There always seems to be another group you can discriminate against, and even some members of the previous discriminated group take part in the new discrimination. Religious minorites, Indians, Irish, Jews, women, blacks...gays are just another group in a long history of intolerance.

It is all about the politics of hate, seperate out some small group, say they are taking over and are going to ruin the country and get all the sheep in line with you, and win elections. It has worked many times in this country, Bush is hoping it will work for him. He already manipulates people's fears and anger regarding terrorism, playing on people's hate is such a small step for him.

Edit: It always makes me smile when I hear someone insist that homosexuality is a choice, because for me, there is exactly a zero percent chance I would ever choose it. I like women too much, and the idea of making love with a guy is unpleasant, to say the least. For someone to say that it is a choice means, somewhere deep in their psyche, that they aren't all that convinced of their own heterosexuality. To believe that others can just choose to be gay means that you believe that you yourself could just choose to be gay. I think this explains some of the virulent hatred toward gays in some people; it is not all the other homosexuals they hate so much as it is their own secret homosexual tendencies they despise, and here is no hatred quite like displaced self-hatred.

Edited by ninti (26/02/2004 22:25)
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