
1. "arguing that sexual orientation is a choice. " They're wrong. Being homosexual isn't a choice. Period. The shrinks all agree (well 95%+ of them anyway).

2. "In a fashion quite the opposite of Dr. King - who challenged an unjust nation to return to the principles and traditions from which it had strayed" ...such as Liberty and Freedom? Dr. King is a personal hero of mine, and it saddens me to hear his words twisted this way. King's speeches were silent on the issue. Consider the times.

But one of his closest friends and co-civil-rights campaigners was Bayard Rustin, a black gay man who was about as out as you were allowed to in those days (and even then harrassed by the FBI for it). He was also the chief organizer for the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, in 1963. You may have heard a little speech that Dr. King gave on that day about his dreams for the future...

3. "A July CNN/USA Today poll found that far more blacks than whites condemn gay marriage." So what? You'll probably find more blacks than whites are practicing christians (or at least practicing christians within the more conservative churces), percentage-wise. I'm not surprised of that statistic.

4."The comparison with slavery is a stretch in that some slave masters were gay, in that gays were never called three-fifths human in the Constitution and in that they did not require the Voting Rights Act to have the right to vote," Jackson remarked in an address at Harvard Law School. " - sure, all of those assertions are true. On the other hand, you couldn't tell gays from the color of their skin. If they publically announced they were gay back then, they were soon dead in many parts of the country.

5. The CWA quote had me laughing my ass off. "allied with...sadomasochists". That was rich. Hoo boy. Hadn't had a chuckle like that since the whole "man on dog" thing.
