when that person directed me to this thread I didn't first realize that this was an old thread....but yes I should have done that (PM) to avoid all this. My reaction was intense because three people helped escalating it to that point..and just like any one I don't like to be called names.. You call my reaction violent but what about you all ? One guy tells me to shut the hell up because I asked about the idea of making mpeg home stereo fully ... and told me 99 percent of people do not want that..Thats fine but what about that 1 percent may be interrested in my thread..Don't I have a right to ask question to that 1 percent ? the main thing I can't undestand is that.., when I see a thread and it doesn't interrest me or don't like the idea , I just move on and read someone elses idea or thread but I certainly wouln't mock that guy about how bad his idea is or call him names or any of that..You see some idea that you don't like , you just then move on... Now why don't you realize that rationally...Is it fair to tell someone to shut up or get a life just bacaused thay asked for something like that..Isn't that violent ? Thats allright if Tim doesn't do anything for me the correct behaiviour is just let him responde or not but don't speak for him..
Its like the bible saying.. Do unto others as you would have done unto you..
Doctors are also human beings..You go to any doctors office and call him an a** hole and see if he is going to help you or not.. I dare you..
but please stop this.. realize that when you offend people , they will not like it and react..just like you did , but my acting up abut it was because of how you responded to me first..It doesn't feel good is it. to be judged.....

Edited by yuppy (26/11/2006 08:44)