They have instructions there on how to boot with SCSI CDROM support. I followed the steps and I can use the CDROM now.

That is all about how to get access to your SCSI CDROM when booting from a DOS boot floppy disk. I don't think that is going to help you much.

You are going to need to boot from a Linux boot floppy disk, which will be provided as part of the Mandrake install. The instructions I posted the other day show how to create the Linux boot floppy disk.

You need to find a Mandrake boot floppy image that supports your SCSI card. I would be amazed if the standard Madrake boot floppy didn't support your SCSI card. What Dell server is it we are talking about?

When I posted the details about creating a Mandrake boot floppy before you said "The one I made tried to star the CDROM but failed." can you give us some details on what you mean by "it tried to start the CDROM but failed" ?
Remind me to change my signature to something more interesting someday