Xeon processors are NOT ment for mulit-media they are number crunchers and file servers not game machines and there is very little you can do to change it.

Intel propaganda, and nothing more.

Pentium 3 and Pentium 3 Xeon DP Difference:
Slot/Socket type

Pentium 3 and Pentiom 3 Xeon MP Differences:
Slot/Socket type
L2 Cache sizes
A slightly larger CPU die to accommodate the 4 processor support

Pentium 4 and Xeon DP differences:
Socket type
Minor transistor differences to enable dual processing

Pentium 4 and Xeon MP differences:
Socket type
A slightly larger CPU die to accommodate the 4 processor support
Support for on die L3 cache

There are no differences that exist that make a Xeon a worse gaming processor, or multimedia processor. The Xeons now have the exact same SSE 2 stuff and such, because for all intensive purposes, they are the same as Pentium 4. In fact, Pentium 4 chips would work fine in a dual processor configuration, if Intel enabled them to do so. No extra transistors would need to be created. Just a few flipped. Xeons actually are faster in about everything when dealing with the MP chips, due to the L3 cache.

Oh, Xeon DP = dual processor capable. Aka, the exact same chip Intel sells to consumers, except with a Xeon name to justify charging hundreds more.
MP = multi processor capable. These go into the high end x86 servers. Intel specs only support 4 processors on a bus. 8 processor systems use a very complex chipset to create two processor busses (very difficult in the Intel world, very commonplace in everyone elses CPU worlds, including Apple with the G5 and AMD with their Athlon chips).