Actually, he did answer that. He said that in that particular design there were a few pixels on the top left corner that got cut off if looked down at, but they insisted that this be fixed before production. I thought this too.

And I have to say to Lord Bleys, functionality? What functionality? Are you looking at the same big area on the top left corner that I am? Mind telling me what that's for? You'd have to put me on that list of people dissapointed with the new design. You say you want to appeal to a broader market? Then why do most of the people on here not like it? How many car stereos have you seen that look like that? It is just plain and simply NOT a car stereo design (this may be what you're going for, I don't know, but I wouldn't).

So perhaps I should clarify my opinion. I like the design, but definitely not for a car stereo. Sure, the airplane wing will probably look cool in a boat or something, but what about a Volvo station wagon? Example: black is a simple color, and everything goes with it. Not many car styles will go with this. It will probably look even worse in a home audio setting.

To be honest, I really like the button and knob style, but I don't think you used alot of common sense in the overall face design.

With that said, I'm still going to buy one, but I just thought I'd say that there's a reason for that conventional straight edge, black-face design.
