Kudos to Drakino for keeping our Aunt Ednas in mind and not pissing her off, especially when she's watching Oprah.

Could I have lied and just said that it was really MY phone number and that I thought it might help me meet empeg-owning chicks? Would anyone have followed up on that if I had?

The 555 thing is clear, thanks, but since we're in the business of serving the Greater Good, lets priorizite and be thorough.

But flogging the who-might-it-piss-off point, are there no concerns about pissing-off the trademark and copyright owners?

I didn't bother to do more with my finished product than rearrange my own telephone number the fastest way possible, by cutting and pasting. In other words, I didn't want to put in any more effort at respecting brands, trademarks, telephone numbers, etc. than the other contributors.

My point is, if its laissez-faire, then so be it. To any lawyer its apparently so. To the hardware geeks, its obviously not, so I'll be consistent with the newly IMPLICIT guidelines and get into the classic narrow focus of my fellow geeks and find a thread to pick obsessively at:

Would, say, a picture of Waterson's "Calvin" urinating on the Ford oval be allowed? (no, it wouldn't render recognizably enough to vex ANY suit) -- I'm sure someone with a gun-rack and empeg out there would LOVE that one. If that DOES get posted, does the notice come out here? NOT on the BBS it was posted on, NOT to the person who posted, etc.? I may not be able to log into empeg.comms.net to find out and my hard work may waste away unenjoyed.

I just want to know. As long as I don't piss off Aunt Edna (call for a good time @ (xxx) 555-xxxx), I can get pretty much anything else approved?

We are fearless of corporate entities, it seems, but Aunt Edna must have a mean-streak a mile wide.

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MK2 #141, green, 12GB
- - - MK2 #141 12GB Queue #5723 (SOLD) MK2a 30GB + grn + tuner + blk empeg case