It works! Thanks so much. I got stuck on the menu using the volume knob, but I saw your post and sure enough, the remote works and I have music streaming from SHOUTcast.

Using your tar instructions I figured out how to replace the streams.cfg file so I am ALMOST all set. The thing I am trying to figure out now is how to stream from my PC which I have been using as a SHOUTcast server. I can access it from anywhere on my home network my going to

How do I enter this in the streams file to make Rioplay recognize it? I have gotten as far as getting the title to appear, but I haven't been successful in my attempts at getting the http address correctly. Also, do I need to worry about the differences in how Linux and Windows handle <eol> and <CR> characters?

Thanks again for the help. Your program is very cool.

P.S. I am also looking forward to the version where the volume knob works the menu. :-)