Note that I include cake in this formula. If you make a cake with chocolate icing, the inside's gotta be the yellow stuff, not the chocolate stuff.

I agree with the milkshake logic of no chocolate-on-chocolate. But I definitely am a fan of the chocolate-on-chocolate cake. Now, keep in mind that not all chocolate is created equal. When it comes to chocolate cake, where the chocolate itself is the feature - rather than ice cream where the cream is really more prevalent - the key is using the right kind of chocolate for the different parts of the cake.

For me, nothing beets a semisweet chocolate cake smothered in a bittersweet ganache. It is of course chocolate-on-chocolate, but the flavors are hardly similar and you still end up with the distinct layors of flavor. But, I'm really a chocolate snob. I don't even consider chocolate ice cream really a chocolate dessert.
- trs