This thread is very surrealistic when read in flat mode. Just a casual observation.

Real melted chocolate is a good thing. I personally prefer standard block chocolate from my local chocolate factory, melted in a microwave or double boiler. Hershey's syrup is okay, but it is just not the same... It does bring back memories though, and you cannot fight a memory.

Vanilla ice cream. I personally prefer the microbatch style French Vanilla variations - when there is enough vanilla to turn the ice cream slightly yellow / tan. If not, a bit of vanilla extract (or fresh vanilla bean if you have it handy) is also good.

Malt powder for me, but it is not for everyone.

Milk. Don't even think about using skim or lowfat milk for this. It would be like drinking decaf espresso - why bother...
Paul Grzelak
200GB with 48MB RAM, Illuminated Buttons and Digital Outputs