To both you and Bitt. I'm not really sure what you're saying here. I wasn't justifying the double standard against whites, I was just pointing to its cause.

I was just pointing out that there is a similar viewpoint (not sure I'd call it a double standard) against organized religion. I'm certainly not saying either is a healthy or valid viewpoint, just pointing out that there will be some people out there who will recoil from both in a similar way.

Is that how you see me? A witch burning Crusader? I mean what are you trying to say?

No, not at all. I don't assume you are a witch burning, crusader anymore than I assume the aforementioned proud white guy is a KKK member. Your right though, we went far enough on that tangent anyway.

Your obviously an intelligent, rational and caring human being. I base this on your words and actions not the labels you place on yourself. I realize that the labels are largely irrelevant (to me, obviously not you) which is part of the reason I object to the need for the publicly displayed labels in the first place. I don't assume anything about you because you are a Christian which may be the crux of the matter for me. If I find out in a casual way that my plumber is a religious man it in no way changes my opinion of him, but if I find out from his add or his business card it becomes an unnecessary and irrelevant part of his sales pitch. It's no different than my slimy car salesman trying to mimic my lifestyle and beliefs to ingratiate himself to me in the hopes that I'll buy a car from him now that he is my "friend".

I think I'm done with Off Topic for a few months.

Sorry, I really didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I generally try to avoid these types of conversations for exactly that reason.


Edited by mcomb (30/09/2004 22:11)
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