It would be boring and conventional (not Chuck D by any stretch), but at some point S3 should have an ad that conveys the essence of why you'd want to pay so much money for something as seemingly modest as an Empeg (is a new name coming??)

My spin: Upscale. Take the general flavor of a Volvo/VW ad. Add the standard upscale couple (Angie and Paul), but give her a manicure and make him just the slightest bit punk. They load luggage/picnic in the boot, then plug in Empeg. Alternate close-up shots of Empeg boot logos with shots of subtle negotiating glances between the couple. Ultimately, a polished fingernail selects "Angie's favorites", and something fairly pop starts playing.

Close with surrendering and/or harmonic glances between Paul and Angie with full-screen product logo and some catch phrase.

[end 30-second version]

For 60-second version, Angie falls asleep in passenger seat (how sexist. Why isn't she driving?). Anyhow, Paul looks over at Angie, then stealthily flips Empeg to "Paul's Faves" playlist. At which point, some horrifically loud guitar riff jumps out, angie just about launches out of her seat, Paul brandishes sheepish grin, et cetera. Logo...catch phrase...



'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.