It's not the first time I've seen a big-name artist get caught in a lip synch.

So are you implying that Ashlee is a "big-name artist" ?
...I thought she was just one of those flavor-of-the-month here-today-gone-tomorrow flash-in-the-pan pre-fabricated pop constructions that wouldn't have even made a big enough impact to qualify as worthy of a Jeopardy question ten years from now.
But then... maybe I'm not up on the current "scene."

Many other times I've seen artists on SNL who I was certain were lip synching even when they didn't make a mistake.

Oh yeah! I remember Britney gyrating around furiously and thinking "there's no way she could be doing that and singing so smoothly at the same time."
Of course, it mattered little, since I'm sure most people decided to watch it in slow motion with the sound turned off. Come on, don't deny it, people. You know who you are.

Don't dis your band. No matter what you do in the music business, don't dis your band, you stuck up little rich kid

Absolutely! Not instinctively knowing this is an immediate giveaway that she's a pre-fabricated construct. No rapport with the band. I doubt she even knows the names of the people in "her" band.

Aimee Mann's voice for the song "Time Stand Still" is done as a backing track. It's fatally embarrassing when it goes bad

Yeah, and it's moderately painful even when it goes good (remember when they used to use a giant floating head projection of Aimee on the back video screen?)
But -- what else could they do? I guess their choices were (1) never perform the song live, or (2) do what they did.

I personally have been on stage in front of an audience when something goes bad.

Yes, that's definitely no fun at all.

I just remember an old story about someone at a piano recital who was playing a piece with a section repeated in the middle. The artist forgot the 2nd ending (loop exit) and kept playing that section in a loop half a dozen times until either he/she just stopped or a piano teacher came and put him/her out of his/her misery (depending on which version of the story you hear).