playing acoustic parts two times in a row EXACTLY the same to give it a natural "chorus". It sounds very cool, and a lot more natural than just adding an electronic chorus, but it isn't easy making sure you play something the same twice in a row.

Better: Play the same part twice, but play the second part capoed at 5 or 7 (or some other high capo dictated by the particular chords in the part) thus requring you to use different chord inversions. You get a very interesting and lush fatness to the track.

For "extreme" acoustic double-tracking, play the part once on a regular acoustic, and double it exactly on a nashville-tuned acoustic. You get the same set of notes you'd get as with a 12-string, but you get them much fuller and clearer. It comes out sounding like the best 12-string ever recorded.
Tony Fabris