Another follow-up on the high def Tivo...

I had heard the thing had four tuners- two over-the-air tuners, and two satellite tuners.

So when I'd programmed it to tape Wednesday's West Wing on over-the-air NBC highdef, and "The House of Sand and Fog" on HBO highdef satellite, I figured it still had two tuners free and I could watch some live TV while it grabbed those shows.

Nope. Turns out that it can only use two of those tuners at any given time. So I was unable to watch live TV while those two things taped.

Not a particularly huge problem or anything (just the fact that it can tape two high-def things at the same time is bloody awesome to begin with), I just wanted to make sure that anyone reading this thread understood that there was a limitation to the four-tuner thing.
Tony Fabris