Actually, I did wish later I hadn't written that statement that way. I don't think anything I've said here about Bush was ever really argued against in a non-well reasoned way. However, there were a few anti-Bush arguments where I just couldn't believe the arguments being used. To me it seemed people had assessed Bush as "Evil" and then used that assessment to interpret anything he did.

This happens on all sides. Someone (I don't remember who and I'm not going to look, because it doesn't really matter) wondered what I thought we should do given that the UN "was never going to let us attack Iraq" and the answer seemed so obvious to me that to this day I can't believe it wasn't considered regardless of the fact that I've just told you I've forgotten any other details of the discussion.

I assume you can guess my answer, and I try to make a habit of not repeating myself, so I won't