My bad day/tow company experience was an early christmas present.
Dec20th, driving to pick up son from daycare, a suburban runs a stop sign across my path, with no possibility of stopping I t-bone it.
Both my wife and I are fine, both trucks pretty banged up.
Cops, EMS, Fire and tow truck all on scene in minutes. Tow truck takes my truck, cops drop us off home to pick up wifes truck.
Two days later at body shop, stop by to pick up my belongings from my broken truck to find that the towing company, while towing my truck, had the bed-cap blow off which bang up the pickup bed, the cab and the hood (it was being towed backwards). The cap landed on the highway and was run over a few times for good measure.
The towing company just put the cap back on the pickup bed and said nothing, assuming that nobody would notice!!
Grand total of 7200 bucks of repairs including the actual accident.

I hate tow companies......especially CENTEX TOWING INC !

Oh well, its only a truck and no-one was hurt.
========================== the chewtoy for the dog of Life