
But I'm already thinking ahead; if you could really hide the iPod and
see what is going on, you could also hide the iPod-emulating-Empeg,
or replace it with something custom built for this purpose (a Mini-ITX
box or something).
Just like you, my ultimate goal would be to have a stealth install.

What would be really cool is to install the Empeg a bit deeper inside the dash and then make a cover that looks exactly like the normal card- and cupholder, but that can be flipped open (with a hinge on the bottom or something like that), or simply attached to the Empeg's front. Instant stealth setup...

And what do you mean, use a Mini-ITX box? A car PC could never have the same funtionality as the Empeg! (not without a whole lot of work anyway...)
Riocar 80gig S/N : 010101580 red
Riocar 80gig (010102106) - backup