Googling and MSKB searching isn't producing any results, I thought I'd give it a shot here...

I have a USB flash card reader that appears as a disk drive in Windows 2000. The flash reader shows up as a removable drive icon, and when I right-click on the icon there is an "eject" option, which flushes the write cache prior to pulling the card.

I have a firewire external hard disk that appears as a disk drive in Windows 2000. The firewire disk shows up as a regular disk icon, and I do not have the "eject" option when I right-click on it.

I'm able to eject the firewire drive if I dig into the control panel's add/remove hardware wizard. But it would be nice to have the convenient rightclick just like the flash reader has.

Anyone know how to tell Windows that the firewire drive is removable, so it will behave like the flash drive and allow me to right-click eject it?

I honestly don't expect anyone to have an answer, but this BBS has surprised me in the past, so...
Tony Fabris