And here is similar sample output from a v3a8 player.
Note the extra line of output in both the before and after portions:

# /set_empeg_max_fid.v7
set_empeg_max_fid.v7: version 7 by Mark Lord (March 2005)
/dev/hda3: 33264 sectors
New max_fid value will be 29168 (000071f0)
0017a950: 00000000 00000200 00000200 00000200
0017a960: 00000400 00000200 00000600 00000200
0017a970: 00000800 00000010 00000810 00000010
0017a980: 00000820 00000010 00000830 00000010
0017a990: 00001000 00007000 00000000 00000000
0017a950: 00000000 00000400 00000400 00000400
0017a960: 00000880 000003c0 00000c40 000003c0
0017a970: 00000800 00000010 00000810 00000010
0017a980: 00000820 00000010 00000830 00000010
0017a990: 00001000 000071f0 00000000 00000000
