Of course, all that just leads to the question of why not shoot yourself in the head the first chance you get, end all the suffering, and go live with God? Or, if you're going to make an argument about suicide, just live your life at a level of extreme risk helping everyone you can, and die trying to save a Tutsi from an extermination raid.
Well, scripture does tell us that life is to be valued. God put us here for a purpose, and if we were to all check out we'd not be participating in His plan as He intends. Remember that death is a result of sin, not the intended order of things. Many Christians forget this and make the mistake of embracing death. So you hear people at funerals say things like "don't mourn- the person is with the Lord now", which is unfortunate. While it is true that the person is now with Jesus in heaven, that doesn't mean we don't feel the pain of death our shouldn't mourn. That knowledge might bring us comfort, but ultimatly that separation is unnatural for how God initially created us.

So to answer your question, while we live in a fallen world where death is an unfortunate reality, we do not embrace it or seek it. Rather we struggle against it as we do sickeness and other fallen aspects of creation.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.