I, too, echo all the thanks and apprecatiion for all you have done for the community and answering my questions...if you were snippy with me, I guess i did not notice, as I ask for help and if the help includes a remark, so be it.
Anyway, you are welcome to put anything you want (yeah even that rock climbing pic) on my webstite. Don't know if that is what you need or want, but the offer is there. But I would suggest you take a deep breath and remember what Shakespear (I think) said..."Even the gods themselves, against stupidity, contended in vain." But I can relate...I, personally am having my own private pity party due to some people at work who seem to have a case of terminal cranius/retum inversion.... But, like bad beans, this too shall pass....
Again, my thanks for all the free advice, great docs, and willingness to work with me on a couple of issues!
The only easy day...was yesterday!