Dredging up an old thread because a thought popped into my head.
(the rhyme is totally unintended)

I was just thinking about booting up Linux from a USB jump drive.
If the BIOS allows such a thing, would it be possible to forego a CD drive on a home-built NAS and use the standard terminals for 4 HDs instead of what I've done (3HDs+1CD)?
Moot point for my particular case- the BIOS does not support USB boot. That and I'm not gonna muck about fixing something that's not broke.
One can put all the OS and supporting stuff on a cheap USB flash drive, no? Umm- ok Swap on the flash would be a no-no, but otherwise...
Just thinking to myself about the implications of flash memory-based OS.
10101311 (20GB- backup empeg)
10101466 (2x60GB, Eutronix/GreenLights Blue) (Stolen!)