It's possible I'm reading this wrong, but I was speaking from the standpoint of having the empeg read the codes and either have it display them for reprogramming on the display, or giving you the option to reprogram the unit itself.

I was NOT thinking of fixing the frequency issue. Personally I feel that falls under 'broken' hardware, even if that isn't an accurate description.

My thoughts fall under a program that would , when enabled, allow the user to point a new remote at the empeg, press a button, and then map a function (either from the display or by pressing the old remote button) to that button.

This I feel could be done on the existing software (or 1.1.1... whatever) without major coding problems. It would have the benefit of allowing the empeg to work with any remote it could see, without having to be a developer (or hacking about in the kernel). Easy enough that the average user (not that there are many here, I assume) could handle it without handholding.

Just seems to be a win/win solution for EMPEG, after all the current 1.1 issues are taken care of.

It also would make it easier to find existing remotes that work with the EMPEG, as you could have immediate notification just by pointing the thing and shooting. It's possible now, using your wonderful intercept program, just impractical in a commercial environment (not that it stopped me from hauling my laptop and empeg into a couple of car audio shops).

Damn. Am I making any sense here?

Synergy [orange]mk2, 42G: [blue] mk2a, 10G[/blue][/green] I tried Patience, but it took too long.