I don't think you'd have so much trouble if you occasionally closed Firefox.

And lose my twelve tabs? Session saver only works 75% of the time. Lately I just wait for firefox to crash. It does it at least once a week. If you've never used a mac laptop, it's hard to understand why mac users never shut down. Apple laptops all go to sleep whenever you close the lid, and wake up whenver you open them. This means that I never think about turning my powerbook off or on, it's (almost) always available in two secconds after opening the lid.

If you want to talk about OSX memory hogs, dashboard is the most memory abusing app around. Each of my widgets take up 18+ megabytes of physical memory. The mac mini (with 256mb) works much better since I disabled dashboard.

Firefox certainly isn't perfect, but for me its far better than any of the alternatives.
