Is that a BT patchbay I see there?

Umm, yea, I found that in a skip

Definitely custom. MDF?

It's sort of custom, I got it from a company called Wizzard, they make rackmounts to go in music and TV studios, but they seem to have gone bust as their website is down? It's a beech veneer finish, so a little over the top for my needs, I think I would make the next one myself out of MDF.

One problem I do have is cooling the room, it doesn't get very hot, but hot enough, it's a sealed room and can get upto 32 if I leave the door shut for a week or two, does anyone have any ideas about cooling a sealed room like this without noisy fans etc... Unfortunatly as it's under the stairs and in the middle of the house there is no access to an outside wall. I was thinking of some kind of temp sensor that could control a small fan, and report to a webpage of course! Something a little like the WeatherDuck?

Or, am I going a little over the top for a home setup

