Slightly OT (I hope you don't mind, Rob!), but I've got a question that I hope can be answered quickly-
I have hundreds of 35mm color negatives from years past that were supposed to be organized, printed several times over, and compiled into albums.
The digital age brought me the concept of doing the album work entirely without the printing exercise and I bought a scanner that had an attachment for negative scanning, but the quality was horrible and I was put off by that and the daunting task of organizing it all.
I'm back to step one- finding a way to get digital images from the negatives. Is this something that I should just get done through a local drugstore? They still do that at drugstores, right?
I remeber something about Kodak providing a 'photo CD' of your developed film roll. I don't have any experience at all with that option.
Anyone here have a word to say about negative to digital possibilites?

10101311 (20GB- backup empeg)
10101466 (2x60GB, Eutronix/GreenLights Blue) (Stolen!)