(Cue sound of hasty back-pedalling)

If you ran a radio network, you would be OK with your employees calling women whores as long as you profited.

To be honest, when I wrote that, I was being flippant, as I'm sure you might have guessed. Personally, I wouldn't be happy with that kind of mysogynistic behaviour (or other offensive behaviour) on the part of my employees.

I might put up with a certain amount of "banter", as long as it didn't directly affect the ability of the person concerned, or of those around them to do their jobs. Where you draw the line is always difficult in this situation, and it becomes even murkier when you're talking about "shock-jocks", whose entire raison-d'etre is this "banter".

I think the point I was trying to make was this: I'm not the owner of a radio station, but if I was the kind of person to run a successful radio station, then I'd be the kind of person who looked to keep the advertisers happy, not vocal members of the public.
-- roger