Don Imus insulted my hard working woman's basketball team, and I only slightly care. The more I hear higher-ups forced to denounce him, the less I care. The officials HAVE to say how upset they are with him or risk sounding weak and racist themselves. When I heard former president Bill Clinton denounce Imus, I ceased caring all together.

Imus was picking on the underdog, trying to be funny, and had a slip of the toung. He appologized in person to the team, so it's done. A big fat F to the media, Al Sharpton, and all the other band wagoners who want raitings by causing a stir about this.

No publicity is bad publicity. I wonder how much CBS and, dare I say, my university actually like the publicity. I'm glad people have forgotten (or never knew) who Imus insulted; don't get any more mud on them.
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