Wear your seatbelt folks!

Seriously. Wow, I didn't know that's where he was going.

For those who are a little less Jersey, Governor Jon Corzine was being driven on the Garden State Parkway when a traffic mishap in front of his SUV caused it to get in an accident. The three other people in his vehicle were not badly hurt, but the Governor suffered a broken leg and is in pretty bad condition in the hospital. He wasn't wearing his seatbelt.

It seems celebrities and important people think they are immune to car accidents, especially when they aren't driving. One notable example is in The Apprentice (UK) - the prospective Apprentices NEVER wear belts while being driven around, and even in the taxi interview scene at the end the belt is conspicuously hanging unused in the background.

I have just got into the habit of sitting in a car seat an automatically putting on the belt. I've read discussions about being "flung clear of the crash" or burned alive, but on balance I would rather take the risk, and I have a glass hammer and seatbelt cutter that would give me a chance.