So they don't have cameras covering pedestrian precincts in city centres and road interchanges in the US? Or were you assuming there's one on every street corner like in V for Vendetta?

I would've thought CCTV is no more prevalent in the UK than it is in the US.

From my own personal experiences of being in London in 2004, it seems the number of cameras in use outside of private businesses is much higher. Using Austin and Los Angeles as a basis, about the only time I noticed cameras outside were the few scattered around the highways, and in LA at many intersections. Where as in London, I saw a lot more on the outside of building, not specifically monitoring entrances, and a seemingly higher density watching the roads. Add to that the many speed boxes (never seen one personally in the US, but I know a few are out there), and the difference is noticeable.

Then there is stories about talking CCTV installs and pictures of CCTV vans.