In any other case, I would have moved the thread to the Moderators forum (effectively "deleting the whole post.") But the video itself is a good PSA for Down Syndrome, so I thought it was best to edit out just the trollish comment at the end.

And believe you me, if there was someone here who was using (your example) Christian hyperbole as simple flamebait, I'd be just as aggressive on that. This isn't about "unpopular" speech, it's about comments that are designed to stir up a ruckus, pollute the board, and nothing else. I'm only doing this after many complaints about Billy's antics, and only doing the "clip-and'snip" thing so I didn't get the predictable "what do you have against Down syndrome patients" response that would come from it. I got that anyway, which I should have seen coming, but, oh well.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff