Apparently Tony feels that people with Down Syndrome are off limits, vis-a-vis romantic / sexual relationships

Swing and a miss, Dave.

The comment I removed was (paraphrasing):
"P.S. I would totally nail the first chick in the video, and that other weather chick"

It was an incorrect guess, Tony, nothing more. Without benefit of the original post, a guess was the best I could do. That said, I fail to see how the deleted comment is offensive unless my guess was correct. Would it be offensive if they didn't have DS?

I deleted the comment because nobody with a sincere interest in promoting awareness of Down Syndrome would end a post about it with that crap.

That's your opinion, Tony. If I said "here's a cool video about stopping language loss in the Amazon, and I would totally bang the native chick they talk to", that doesn't mean I'm not serious about language preservation.

My decision to remove that comment had nothing to do with my beliefs, and everything to do with Billy's pattern of trolling.

That may be the most disturbing part of this. You didn't censor Billy based on anything he was doing, but on things he'd done in his past. A preemptive strike in case he was doing something wrong. Which sounds somewhat similar to something most of us here have spoken out against again and again.

Send drakino a PM if you don't like my moderation instincts.

I'd be just as happy to discuss it in the open forum with Drakino as well, as a member of the community. I feel this sort of thing should be transparent.

If there's no further discussion about the substance of the thread, I'll follow your original advice and delete it.

Don't be disingenuous. My point was that it should be a matter of deleting the post or leaving it as is. I can't see a single reason to delete the post. I think there's a great discussion to be had on the topic.