So do I. But I disagree with Billy moreso, so I'll take Tony's word that it was an appropriate edit.

Note the "Period." in my previous post. I disagree with ANY censorship, not just when I don't disagree with the speaker.

I'm also not sure what kind of answer he's looking for to such an absurd question (the wife one in particular).

Ok, I agree that the manner in which he phrased the question was worthy of the Nobel Prize for Poor Phrasing, but let me take a whack at it...

Billy (apparently) made a comment about wanting to engage in some sort of sexual relationship with one of the individuals in the linked video. Apparently Tony feels that people with Down Syndrome are off limits, vis-a-vis romantic / sexual relationships, to those who do not have Down Syndrome. Hence the censorship. I took Billy's question to be, in spirit, questioning that belief. While I personally have no interest in entering into any sort of romantic or sexual relationship with one of these people, I have to ask: shouldn't I be allowed to if it was a matter of mutual consent? Or are we supposed to simply look at people with Down Syndrome and go "Awww! Look how hard they're trying! They deserve our support!"

My point is that either people with Down Syndrome are equal to everyone else, and hence acceptable partners should an individual so choose, or they are somehow separate. And I find the latter view to be just a little bit dangerous.