Other than "Aliens", what movie sequels have ever equaled or exceeded the original movie?

I debate the premise of your post. Alien was a far better movie than Aliens.

Oh, goodie. I was hoping somebody wouldn't let that slide!

I suppose I should also have modified my question to to stipulate that the original movie had to be very good. I would not be very impressed by a sequel that improved on a crummy original.

I cherish both Alien and Aliens. I can see where you might judge the former to be superior. What pleases me, though, is that they are very different movies with the same core (Ripley); trying to make Alien 2 along the same lines as the original would have failed. The effect is lost after the first viewing, but I have a hard time thinking of a more exciting moment in cinema than a certain appearance of Lance Henriksen in Aliens. If this somehow reveals me to be a sucker for formulaic adventure flicks, I guess I'll plead guilty.

Oh, and "Get away from her you bitch!"


'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.