iPod Touch: okay, call me cynical, but to me the only interesting thing about this product is that it tells us the cell phone part of the iPhone costs $200.

I disagree. This would be an excellent product. Except for the fact that its maximum capacity is 16GB.

Oops, I must have read the Engadget live blog too quickly (I can only take so much "Jobs-speak"). My apologies. 16GB is approaching respectability, but I still don't consider it much more than a commuting-via-mass-transit device. Vacationing with it would get very limiting very quickly.

I also think that 160GB is excellent, but I don't want to watch video on that size a screen.

Oh, and I also liked Steve's claim that the Touch was the "First time EVER on a music player to have a browser built in." Um...no.

Storage size has always been a deal-breaker for me.

My deal breakers, in order of importance:
  • at least 4" screen (possibly a good-quality 3.5")
  • at least 30GB
  • plays back wide variety of formats

I wouldn't have thought that these would be hard to meet. I guess I'm in the minority. Trust me, I think the Archos products are less than perfect, and I'm not claiming that they're "better" than the iPod. I do, however, think that they're more suited for video playback, and have been for three and a half years.

Edited by Dignan (05/09/2007 18:31)