So are there any new ipod classic users one here. I was thinking about getting one but I tried it at the apple store today and now i'm not sure.

From what I could tell if you want to do something like play a shuffle of several artists you have to add everything to the "on the go" playlist then go play that playlist and you can only append if you suddenly want to hear a particular song. Then for the no playing list it looks like you can only show the currently playing track not a list of all the tracks in the current playlist.

I am guessing the classic must have changed quite a bit over the older ipods because no one in the apple store could tell me how to run it either.

I checked out the Zune some more too and it looks like it operates about the same as the ipod I did prefer the 4 way pad to the scroll wheel though.

Maybe I will just have to get used to the ipod way.
