It means you have to hand-tune each and every image you use it with.

Not at all. I just save two versions of the picture: One I save as GIF and one I save as PNG. The built-in GIF/PNG/JPG optimizer in Paint Shop Pro handles it all for me.

I feel totally justified in letting anyone running IE5 get what they get.

Well the IE5 support was the easy part, it sort of just followed along with the IE6 support, which is the more complicated part, but it's really not that complicated.

It also means it won't work with a background image. Almost every image I use now in site design is a background image.

Not sure what you mean. If you mean that I can't put something else on top of it, I'm not sure if that's true or not. The image example I gave happens to be set to be the top in the Z-order, but that was just something I wanted to do in that particular case. I think you can still put other stuff on top of it.

If you mean that I can't put it atop another background image, yes I can because that was my point: To get alpha-transparent PNGs atop a different background image in IE6.
Tony Fabris