Originally Posted By: hybrid8
If you didn't see a metallic grill at the top with product icons, then you missed the nav. That's where most of the Mobile Safari bad-stuff happens.

Yeah, see what you mean. Funny how the misaligned sections are different depending on the zoom level. At some zoom levels they look just fine, at others, horribly misaligned. Wonder why.

On a completely non-rendering note, I'm noticing Safari just quits out at random times. I'll be reading a page, scrolling it up and down and the poof, back to the home screen. Come back to Safari and the page reloads and the back browser history has been wiped.

Yeah, it tends to crash once in a while. smile

It's slightly less prone to do that since the last software update, but it still happens to me once in a blue moon.
Tony Fabris