Originally Posted By: hybrid8

On a completely non-rendering note, I'm noticing Safari just quits out at random times. I'll be reading a page, scrolling it up and down and the poof, back to the home screen. Come back to Safari and the page reloads and the back browser history has been wiped.

Those random crashes seem to mainly happen when it just runs out of memory (the crash dumps indicate that there is no free memory left). As soon as I stopped having half a dozen complex websites open at a time the crashes became very occasional rather than frequent...

It could do with a little more memory in hardware version 3.

Originally Posted By: hybrid8

Other than these random quits (or crashes) I also notice that when you switch between "tabs" that the page you select needs to reload. Arrrgh. Same when you go back and forward pages. This browser seems to implement no caching. Great design decision for a mobile device.

Hmm, ok. Firstly it definitely does do caching, if you load a simple webpage that has lots of images you will see that there is plenty of caching going on. What it doesn't appear to do is to cache the rendered version of the page, presumably in an effort to keep memory usage down.

That means if you have a page with complex rendering the pages will render slowly enough that it appears there is no caching.

Unfortunately, lovely as your website is, your designs definitely fit into the "complex rendering" category. Despite that I'd still be perfectly happy hitting your site with Mobile Safari, it loads quickly enough and looks good.
Remind me to change my signature to something more interesting someday