i feel so lucky to live in a country with "source tax", meaning that my employee are forced to hold back the amount i have to pay in tax, and pay the tax for me. All based on a card, that the goverment gives me. Each year I get a new card, based on what have happend in the 3 past years. Of course i can get the card altered in something is way off or missing.

At the end of the year, everyone has to report in to the goverment. Your employee has to tell your income. The bank has to tell about loans etc. And then about 3 months from the beginning in each year, you get your refund.. or bill if there have been paid to little (automated systems can be wrong).

For the last 3 years only stuff like transport to and from work has changed the tax return for me.

the "monkey" who learned to check a harddrive