You are missing the point. You are going to a tax service to enter into a contract for them to prepare your taxes and receive a product – your taxes prepared.

If they prepare your taxes then you should pay them for thier time. Not glean any information you can from them so you can do an equal if not better job.

Yes, if I prepared my taxes and came up with the same number as them all that proves is I did my taxes correctly. 1 + 1 = 2, you can’t say you are not satisfied with that answer just because you came up with the same answer. If you paid a tax service to add 1 + 1 and they came up with two they should be paid for their work and knowledge. In addition you know up front that it costs X dollars for this and agree.

To take this further many people know how to change their oil in their car. They can do the same job as a Lube shop. To not pay them for changing oil just because you can change oil with the same results is ridiculous

By saying you are not satisfied because the sky is cloudy and do not want to pay is a breach of contract on your part.