>Maybe, but how much do you pay for a trip to the emergency >room?

Zip, Zero....

Also the same for a visit to the doctor. A triple bypass.. you name it.

And if i loose my job the system gives me enough money to get a very small appartment. and some food on the table. but the amount i get is not big so you are more or less forced to cut all expenses to the minimum and look for a job...

but my tax rate is 49% of the income.. but it's calculated like this:

first they take 10%... then i have a "free" amount for which i dont pay tax... then they take the last 39%....´may sound insane, but then you have to look at the benefits...

the best that i could recommend is try to live here... but watching the movie Sicko by Michael Moore... i laughed my ass off to that one. But at the same time i was surprised that on Cuba they take care of everyone.

EDIT: an benefit that came to my mind is medicine... my GF need some pretty expensive anti depressive and "the system" pays for most of it, but we pay a small share ourselfes
the "monkey" who learned to check a harddrive