It's your personal ISP, IMO. The site and image loading seems plenty fast to me on my connection from Canada.

Even your blog which has a shite-load of images comes up pretty quickly. I don't think a load balanced server is helping nor hindering you in this case, nor would a faster server allow visitors to see the images any faster.

The only thing to do to gain real speed is to further compress the images. To gain fake speed or the illusion of speed, you can also segment your pages and pre-cache images that will later be displayed (after displaying the one(s) for the current page obviously).

If you'd like, post the link to the other photographer and I'll let you know if his site seems any faster from here.

BTW, I quite like the site and images. You have some really great ones in fact.

Here are some general suggestions: I would increase the contrast on your contact information at the bottom of the page. It's quite hard to see against the white page background and you don't want to give anyone a reason not to ring you up. On your blog, remove the links from the photos unless you definitely have a larger image to display when clicked. And if you do, use a javascript image loader so that the image zooms into a floating frame and then can be closed by clicking.

The pages with mostly text need some work. I'm not a fan of the white on light grey background. I know the contrast is supposed to be fairly low, but it's too low, IMO. And Helvetica seems a little heavy at its current size/weight. I would toss in Helvetica Nueue in front of it in your CSS for a much lighter/cleaner look. It won't make a difference for every viewer, but it will for some. The contact form text and input boxes would do well with some styling to better match the feel of the rest of the site.

If you write your email address as plain text on the web page, even if it's not linked with a mailto: you're going to increase the amount of spam you receive. You may want to consider using an image instead which you can still link to your contact form and which will still be readable.

In your Package section, avoid the use of the word "here" when providing a link. Just link within the body of your sentence on the appropriate words.

Now the only issue is I can't seem to find the shop you mentioned. The pages with the most images are the blog entries.
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