- "About" page produced an error when I first clicked - normal layout but it said something like "Sorry an error has occured", presumably a server error?

- Page vertical alignment now fine, but the main "/" front page is broken. I *think* you have an index.php and another older version of the front page (index.html?) which needs to be deleted to make the php version the default.

- On the packages page where it says "Mini Website - An exclusive website to share with your guests, example here" the "here" is the same colour as the background making it invisible.

- As mentioned make all the links a slightly different colour

- On the FAQ page(s) perhaps indent the FAQ/Contract links to make the more obvious too - I like to use a mini PDF icon like a bullet point to make it obvious that it's a separate document.

- Contact page - make your email address a mailto:link

- Overall perhaps slighly increase the leading (CSS line-height should do it), because the text is larger than normal it feels a bit "crowded".