Originally Posted By: mlord
Originally Posted By: DWallach
Amendment: PyTiVoX / StreamBaby completely failed to deal with 1080i ".ts" files (containing h.264 within) that I recently downloaded. Am now fetching 720p MKV files

Ditto for MythTV, xine, and mplayer here. Or at least with the versions I have of those programs. No problemos with the MKV files, though.

Yeah, I never had problems with MKV files on pyTivo. It should work fine.

Originally Posted By: JeffS
I have some HD files I've purchased from iTunes. Is there a way I can tell the quality? I will fully admit I am ignorant in this area. We don't even own a BR player, but we have some HD movies purchased through iTunes and they've always looked good to me on our 32".

I'll admit, I've become a little less snobbish about video quality lately. I say it if looks good to you, just enjoy it! You'd probably need to get to far larger screen sizes to notice any difference in quality, though I've seen HD content on an Apple TV connected to a 60" display, and I thought it look fine.