Originally Posted By: Dignan
For me, at least, the point of the cloud is to have the data safely off my local systems, safe from physical theft, damage, or failure.
And that's exactly what makes me a bit uneasy about the whole cloud concept. No doubt I'm being unreasonably paranoid, but the thought of having my "precious data" not under my physical control, or rather havig it under someone else's physical control gives me pause. (Precious data? Hardly! Hey, I've got a few credit card numbers stored in my computer, and a couple of naked pictures of my wife (don't tell her!) but aside from that, nothing in my computer would cause me enormous distress if it were compromised).

However, as we all know, supposedly secure, impregnable data banks are hacked all the time. If I did have in my computer "mission critical" data, or data that could cause me irreparable harm if compromised (and many, if not most people do, if they gave it serious thought) I would not be comfortable with having it stored somewhere other than where I could keep an eye on it.

And yes, I know I'm being naive, and the data in my computer, connected to the internet, is probably far less secure than it would be on Google's servers. But still, just the idea...

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"