Originally Posted By: tman
Originally Posted By: Dignan
Sheesh! You all act like when/if that were to happen, they would do so immediately, without any notice. First, I think it's unlikely to happen the way you're fearing. Google, for example, would catch hell for something like that, so it wouldn't be worth it to them. Just look at Wave. That wasn't even a success, and they announced its death nearly six months in advance in order to give people enough time to get whatever they needed out of it.

If Gmail closed in 6 months time, tell me how easy it would be to get everything changed to your new email address.

Pretty easy, actually. It took my mom less than a week to get everything moved over from her ISP-provided email to using GMail instead. It then took about another week for her to change her address everywhere she had it listed and for everyone in her address book to switch to her new email address.

It really isn't as difficult to switch as people seem to think. And if I were worried about switching, I'd use GMail with an email address for my own domain (which I do with several addresses). That way it's pretty simple to move everything over to another service.

And sorry, I wasn't angry, just a little frustrated. I wasn't sure why you guys were so down on all this stuff. I know you use it, but you do seem to be simultaneously fearful of it. I guess I just don't let that stuff worry me too much...

And I still maintain that it's just a freaking term. We use all sorts of terms that aren't specific, but we do it to make communication easier. When I tell someone "the cloud," it's a starting-off point. They understand that we're talking about data being stored on servers somewhere else on the web.

Originally Posted By: tman
It just a term yes but it gets tiring when all you hear is the cloud this and the cloud that. Bolting it onto something which doesn't need it is popular these days just so they can claim that they've got integration with the cloud blah blah.

Yeah, but you could say that about a lot of terms. They get used as buzz terms by some people, and as regular dialog by others. I guess what I'm saying is: what's the big deal?

Edited by Dignan (16/09/2010 19:30)