Ok, to get this back on topic for Matt, I moved off the gaming subthread. Today is going to be day 0 for the phone, setup and initial syncing. I know right up front 8GB of built in storage won't be enough for me, so I'm currently researching what MicroSD card to buy. The Samsung Focus has a slot (since it's just a tweaked Galaxy S phone), but due to the way Windows Phone 7 works, it's very picky on cards. From what I can tell, the phone will stripe the onboard storage with the MicroSD, so the card becomes unremovable. The benefit of this is the phone will just have one solid chunk of usable space, with no need to manage what goes where. The downside is that it makes it harder to slap any old SD card in, as putting in a slow one (read/write or latency) can kill performance, or just make the phone not work at all.

I'm going to initially try the Mac software, but may end up switching over to a VM to manage the phone. The connector does allow me to transfer stuff from iTunes and iPhoto (good), but the downside is that I don't gain access to the Zune music subscription service. The phone comes with 3 free months, so it is something I want to try out. I guess as long as Windows 7 is contained in a small box on my OS X desktop, I'll tolerate it for now :-)