Originally Posted By: drakino
It's really a shame Microsoft is slow on some of these things. They do still have the ability to compete, but by the time they arrive, the party has moved on.

... which is why I actually think they do not really WANTED to, sadly (and "Insanely" :)) enough.

As I was saying before, I have used the ZuneHD for a while and I've been impressed on how light it is, among other things. Unlike any mobile device I've owned, with the exception of the Nokia 6310i, it is something you can put in your jacket pocket and completely forget about. My current, old and almost dead, Palm Treo 750 is a brick compared to that. Also the Zune 120 previous generation is a brick compared to that. As is my iPod Classic, or as is the iPhone 4 (which at least is a remarkably beautiful and beautifully done piece of hardware).But yes, the Zune HD beats them all in that regard.
= Taym =
MK2a #040103216 * 100Gb *All/Colors* Radio * 3.0a11 * Hijack = taympeg